a laptop on a rocky beach

Travel Smart: Essential Cybersecurity Practices For A Hack-Free Vacation

Ensuring Cybersecurity During Summer Travels

Summer is a prime season for business owners and employees to take a break from the office and enjoy a well-earned vacation. Even with "out of office" email responses activated, many people still check in on work occasionally while traveling. Unfortunately, working outside the office—whether it's a quick email check during a vacation, connecting to the Internet at a local café, or handling business tasks while on a work trip—can introduce significant cybersecurity risks. If you or your employees plan to handle urgent emails from the airport or access network documents in a hotel lobby, it's crucial to adhere to robust cybersecurity practices to protect your company's network from nearby hackers.

In this blog post, we'll outline essential cybersecurity best practices to follow before and during any trip to safeguard your network from cyber threats.

Why Cybersecurity Matters While Traveling

Cybersecurity might not be a top priority on your vacation checklist, but neglecting it can turn a dream getaway into a nightmare. Cybercriminals are well aware that summer is a prime time to strike, as people are more likely to lower their guard while on vacation. For most travelers, the focus is on enjoying their time away from the office, making them easy targets for hackers.

To reduce the risk of a cyberattack while traveling, here are some best practices to review with anyone on your team who might connect to the Internet during their vacation.

Before You Go:

1. Back Up Your Data: Ensure you have a copy of your data that can be restored if your device is lost or damaged.

2. Update Your Software: Keep your operating system, web browsers, and apps updated to the latest versions. Outdated software can compromise your device's ability to defend against malware.

3. Protect Your Devices: Always lock your device with a PIN, passcode, fingerprint, or facial recognition. If you don't already have this set up, do so before traveling. This will help protect your private information if your device is left unattended.

4. Enable "Find My Phone": This feature allows you to locate your device if lost and gives you the capability to remotely wipe data or disable the device if it falls into the wrong hands.

While Traveling:

1. Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN): A VPN encrypts your Internet connection, ensuring your data remains secure even on public WiFi networks. Set up a VPN on your devices before you leave and use it whenever you access the Internet.

2. Avoid Public WiFi: Public WiFi networks can be hotspots for cybercriminal activity. Avoid using unprotected networks whenever possible. (Yes, this means no checking your email on the beach unless you have a VPN!)

3. Manage Location Services: While location tools are useful for navigation, they can also expose your location to criminals. Turn off location services when not in use, and consider limiting how you share your location on social media.

4. Enable Multifactor Authentication (MFA): MFA adds an extra layer of security to your accounts by requiring a second form of verification, such as a text message code, authenticator code, or fingerprint scan. Enable this feature for all accounts containing sensitive information before you leave.

5. Disable Auto-Connect Features: Some devices automatically seek and connect to available wireless networks. This can give cybercriminals access to your devices if you connect to the wrong network. Disable this option so you only connect to wireless and Bluetooth networks you know and trust.

By following these best practices, you can enjoy your vacation with peace of mind, knowing that your data and network are secure from potential cyber threats. Stay safe and have a wonderful trip!

You deserve to unwind on vacation, and by following a few straightforward precautions, you can keep your device secure, allowing you to fully enjoy your time off without the stress of potential cyber issues awaiting your return to work.

However, it's crucial to recognize that these measures aren't foolproof. For comprehensive protection and to ensure your company's cybersecurity is robust, partnering with a professional IT team is essential. They can provide around-the-clock network monitoring, address any vulnerabilities as they arise (which is a frequent occurrence), and notify you of any suspicious activity.

To help you prepare for your vacation and have peace of mind knowing your business is secure while you or your employees are working remotely, call us at 707-689-3999 or click here to schedule a FREE cyber strategy session with our cybersecurity experts today. We'll evaluate your current cybersecurity solutions, identify potential vulnerabilities and help you implement a strategic security plan to keep your company safe.


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