a person sleeping on a desk

Frustrated With BAD Tech Support? You’re Not Alone

A recent influx of Reddit comments has highlighted a series of disappointing customer service experiences with tech support. Although I usually avoid Reddit and its community of habitual complainers, I decided to read through a few posts for research purposes, given my involvement in the industry. Some complaints were so bizarre—like the woman who claimed a technician took a bathroom break in her attic—that they seemed almost unbelievable. However, many of the more common issues mentioned were ones I've encountered myself, and to be honest, they were incredibly frustrating.

When facing a tech emergency—whether it's a broken printer, hardware malfunctions, Internet connectivity issues, login troubles, or similar problems—poor tech support can significantly exacerbate the frustration. It leads to employees who are unable to efficiently perform their duties because they are busy troubleshooting tech problems and waiting on hold with an IT company that is "looking into it." This also results in irritated customers who expect a seamless experience when interacting with your organization.

Such issues can cause you to lose both customers and top-performing employees to competitors who do not face these same daily challenges. Initially, it might seem exaggerated that a few unresolved "tech issues" could cause such turmoil, but as these problems persist without resolution, resentment builds and eventually drives people to seek out organizations that do not have to deal with such headaches.

So, what can you do to get ahead of the problem? Start by surveying your employees. Ask questions that will help you evaluate your current IT company's performance to determine if they are addressing your team's needs promptly and effectively. Here are a few questions to consider:

1. Do you experience any recurring technical problems that haven't been fully resolved? If so, what are they?

2. How would you rate the response time of the IT support team when you encounter a technical issue?

3. Have you found the IT support team to be knowledgeable and helpful in resolving your issues?

4. Do you feel that the IT company communicates effectively and keeps you informed about the status of your requests?

5. How would you describe your overall satisfaction with the support provided by our IT company?

By gathering this feedback, you can identify areas for improvement and ensure that your tech support is meeting the needs of your employees and customers.

Answering these questions will only take a few minutes and can provide you with valuable insights into whether your current IT team is effectively managing issues or if there are underlying problems within your organization that you may not be aware of.

To demonstrate what exceptional IT support looks like, we are offering a FREE cyber strategy session with your organization.

Here are some of the ways you can utilize this time with us:

● Diagnose any computer network issues you are facing.

● Assess your network's security to protect against hacker attacks and viruses.

● Scan and review for spyware.

● Verify that your network backup system is functioning correctly.

● Diagnose slow or unstable PCs.

● Discuss any projects or upgrades you are considering, or get a second opinion on a quote you have received.

To get started, give our team a call at 707-689-3999 or click here to book yours now.


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